Primary functionalities...
Wines list
Manage your list of wines, cognacs, whiskys, rums and liquors by identify data like productor, appellation or classification, specific name, region, year, ratings, notation, price and stock area position.
Match a dish
Choose a dish and find best wines to match with. You can use other research and order by an appellation, a region or other various parameters.
Cloud database
Use the wine references registered on the collaborative basis and a list of references to pre-fill the information related to your new bottles. Several hundred appellations from several countries are already defined and can be used in different functions of the site.
Manage history
See history of inputs and ouputs. Rate wines you have drunk. Checks mouvements and cancel operations if it is necessary.
More items ...
Be helped by millesimes chart to evaluate your wines and conservation time. Use informations of best periods to drink your wines.
Study statistics of your cellar : History charts and distribution by regions or years.
Import files
Import your wines from an external file.
Storage areas
Set up your cellar configuration to identify storage locations for each bottle. Simplify your inventories.
And more ...
Access to the site is secured by an SSL connection. The data is stored in France and duplicated daily. All the encryptions are of last generation.
Responsive Design
Site has a « responsive design ». It supports all size of devices (computer, tablet, smartphone) automaticaly.
No Advertsing
Site has no advertising. The first member status is free. None of your personnal data is use for commercial use.
The Cellar-Monitor project is an Arduino module to monitor your cellar and visualize the recorded data on a web page: temperature, humidity, intrusion, etc. : to know more.